So, taking Miss Jo March's idea of a Saturday Morning Daybook, this will be a one-time Sunday evening.....nightbook? :P Anyway, enjoy it if it pleases you to read past that most incoherent sentence.
Date: June 26th, 2011
Starting time: 8:28 p.m.
Mood: content, pensive, dreamy, wistful
Outside my window: the remains of a sunset, the dusk creeping over the earth to cover it in a warm darkness
I'm thinking: I had an amazing afternoon with friends I hadn't realized I'd missed so woefully until they were here and I couldn't stop hugging them and smiling at them. *lump in throat* :' )
I'm currently reading: Lorna Doone by R.D. Blackmore--amazing book.
I'm listening to: Grace's bedtime c.d....classical music mixed with surprisingly realistic nature sounds. :) Very soothing and fitting my mood.
I'm wearing: a fifty's style cotton dress....courtesy of a dear friend, courtesy of a thrift store, courtesy of goodness knows where.
I'm looking forward to: My graduation....if I can stop worrying about my speech
I'm hoping: that I will get married someday. :) Preferably before I'm an "old maid". :D (Though I warrant not-quite-19 is a tad too young to start worrying :P)
Yesterday I: took everyone on a picnic, acted most unlike a heroine by fastening my hair under my chin like a beard, taking Leah's arm, and singing "Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree" to her while Sarah filmed us.....generally had a silly, laughable time. :)
I'm hungry for: Hm....hungry wouldn't quite be the word....but I'd go for a Dairy Queen blizzard right about now.... ;)
Song stuck in my head: None currently, but earlier it was "You Can't Get a Man With A Gun" from Annie Get Your Gun. :D Very funny song!
I love: dearer than dear friends who are made all the more dear because you've been deprived of their company far too long.... Jane Eyre....dimples....heroes.....Broadway Musicals. :)
I loathe: Stepping on spilled sugar... tight waistbands...embarrassing moments....colds in summertime. :)
This week my goal is: Finish a present for a friend, finish writing my speech, stop worrying about Wisdom Teeth Surgeries (JULY 6TH!!!! :{ )
Quote of the week:
*Me, talking to Sarah's camera at the picnic when she said she'd put the video on the blog*
"You poor blogging probably think we're.....loonies! You probably think we are all from the Crazy Barn....oh wait! Funny Farm!" *busts up laughing* :D
Finishing Time: 8:40 p.m.
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