How To Choke, Cry, and Laugh Simultaneously: Otherwise known as "The Name Game"

If you want to laugh harder than you have for a long time...
If you want to prove that sisterly minds think alike.....
If you want to play a game that doesn't involve finding dice or a deck of cards with four whole suits....
Or if you simply are tired of all the games you generally play, this game is for you! :)

It has an innocent title that scarcely belies it's hilarious propensity: The Name Game

Here are the rules:
  • Divide all the players into two teams- if you have two different families, it's hilarious to put siblings on the same team. We communicate with almost a different language, and the points really rack up :D
  • Each player takes four (or more) different slips of paper and writes a different name on each- These can be names of friends, famous people, people from history, well-known characters from books or movies, etc.
  • Put all the names into a bowl
  • First Round starts- Choose which team goes first. A player on the opposite team has a stopwatch, egg-timer, etc. Set for one minute.
    The team going first chooses one player to start. That player takes the bowl of names and picks a slip of paper, and once the timer starts, begins to describe the person on the slip of paper. They cannot use any part of the person's name. When the teammates guess correctly, the player picks up another piece of paper and continues.
    This goes on until the time is up. Save out your pieces of paper- they're important! :)
    Play moves on to Team Two. Keep playing this way until all the scraps of paper are used up.
    When the bowl is empty, count your slips of paper- these are you points. Replace slips of paper in bowl and get ready for Round Two! :)
  • Second Round starts- In this round, the rules are the same as charades. You have to get your teammates to guess the name on the slip of paper without using any words, sounds, or props.
    Play continues with same rules as first round, until the bowl is empty. Tally points again. Replace slips of paper in bowl and prepare for the last and Final Round! :)
  • Third and Final Round starts- In this round, you play the same general rules as former rounds, only this time you have to get your team to guess the names by saying one word. Example: (I draw a slip of paper that says "Collin Firth" and I could say "Darcy", hoping my teammates would understand.) Once more, play till the bowl is empty. Tally up points, and whichever team has the highest score, wins! :)
There! It's an easy game, and absolutely hilarious! :) By the third round it's pretty easy because you are simply recycling the same names through all the rounds. :)
If you are anything like our family, you will find yourselves yelling and shouting out answers, and looking ridiculous! The charades round is definitely the funniest. Let's just say we were crying we were laughing so hard when we played it this afternoon! :)
At the beginning I mentioned that playing with siblings on a team is the most fun. It is also a disadvantage to other players, because especially with the one-word round, you have associations with people that might afford you a quick way out and other players wouldn't understand! :D
Example: One time the name on my slip of paper was "Doug Philips". Earlier in the game someone had misheard the name and thought it was "Bug so-and-so", so that by the third round all I had to say was "bug" and Sarah could guess correctly! :)


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