"You may ask, 'How did this tradition get started?' and I will tell you---I don't know!"

♫"Tradition, Tradition!"♪

;) Though I'm not quite as caught up in traditions (especially in that way) as this character, Tevye and I certainly have something in common. :) If you ask anybody in my family, who is the most die-hard traditionalist in our family, I'm sure they'd answer, "Sarah, of course!". ;) I do have to say that I enjoy our simple, but sweet memories of family traditions like:

Flying plastic bag kites in the fall,

Mom reading aloud classic books such as the Railway Children,

The way we celebrate birthdays,

Picking berries in the heat of the summer while getting eaten alive by bugs, but coming home with a full belly, a big smile, and a berry-covered face
Sitting on the sidewalk in the cool fall breeze, carving pumpkins,

and laying down in the "soft patch" of grass on the hill behind our yard. :)

And there are many more small, subtle "traditions" that go on in our family on a regular basis.:)
Do you any of you all have that "traditionalist" bone in your body? ;)
(After taking up an entire post on this subject, I know you must admit I do!)


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