So I accomplished a lot of somethings today, but here is the something that took the most brain. :P I made my 101-item bucket list...actually, the idea of a bucket list is a little morbid. But I don't see it as a list of things to do before I die, but as a list of the things I want to accomplish while I live. There really is a difference, don't you think? Here's the definition of a bucket-list, per the Rachel Heffington Dictionary:
bucket-list: n. a list compiled by people who have random, interesting, ambitious, or simply a lot od things they wish to do during their lifetime and are afraid they haven't the brain to remember them all. ;)
Without further ado, here's mine!
- Buy a pair of red shoes
- Visit Scotland and get my fill of the accents, if that’s possible
- Take a walk in the autumn rain and unexpectedly meet Someone who is very glad to see me.
- Publish one of my books
- Make a Charlotte Russe from scratch
- Fall in love with a godly man
- And marry the man I fall in love with
- Ride on a galloping horse without falling off
- Wear a soft white dress with a wreath of rosebuds in my hair to a dance
- Receive a letter from a Secret Admirer who is just that—a secret—
- Plant an orchard
- Sit for a portrait painting
- Read all of Charles Dickens’ novels
- See an indigo bunting
- Go to Paris
- Watch a Broadway show on Broadway in New York City
- Drink a cup of tea at the Plaza Hotel while there.
- Wear red lipstick and a fifties dress
- Take a road-trip to a place I’ve never been before
- Be a bridesmaid in a close friend’s wedding
- Own a peacock
- Visit Hilltop Farm in the Lake District (Beatrix Potter’s home)
- Spend an entire day out in public speaking with a British accent
- Wear a hat to church
- Hit the high note in “Think of Me”
- Be rescued, somehow, somewhere without any ill-effects afterward
- Act in a musical that we sell tickets to
- Eat dinner at a five-star restaurant without forgetting the order of silverware
- Eat a bowl of chili without getting the stringy cheese on my chin
- Be asked if I am the writer, Rachel Heffington ;)
- Take a stunning picture of…something.
- Wear a necklace made of real diamonds
- Attempt to walk a picket fence and hop off into someone’s arms like Josie Pye (It better be a strong someone…)
- Eat an ice-cream cone while standing on the line between two states
- Drive a Tin-Lizzy
- Meet someone famous in an unusual setting
- Overhear two people talking about me and walk out just as they are about to say the juiciest part.
- Make a come-back worthy of an Elizabeth Bennett at a perfect moment
- Cook an entire meal on a wood-stove
- Hear my own writing read aloud without blushing and wishing I was a million miles away
- Get a box of Winnie-the-Pooh themed checks and use every one of them
- Change a 100$ bill into pennies at the bank, come home, and walk through the pennies barefoot, then return them.
- Get rid of the strange dark spots on my knees
- Tie a string to a June Bug’s leg and watch it fly around
- Sing a solo for a talent night and not die in the process
- Try swing-dancing
- Learn to play something on the piano
- Learn French. Tres Elegante!
- Pin a butterfly to copy and paint without feeling mortally guilty
- Wash my hair in a real waterfall
- Memorize an entire book of the Bible
- Drink an entire pitcher of hand-squeezed lemonade over the course of a day or two. (It needn’t be a huge pitcher)
- Spend a night sleeping in a hammock outside with a buddy in the hammock beside me
- Go for a trip where I stay wherever-it-was for at least two weeks
- Make a surprise trip to a friend’s house, let myself inside, and hide somewhere before jumping out at her
- Sing a duet with a guy who can sing. (“I See the Light”, wot-wot, Daniel?)
- Be dipped while I’m dancing without being dropped or making a funny face
- Dance a waltz in full ballroom gear with a dashing partner I am either related or married to
- Make a 101 item bucket list
- Sell a painting
- Let someone kiss my hand
- Get proposed to at least once
- Play a game of “telephone” with enough people so it’s actually funny
- Make a pulley/message system from our house to the Walkers
- Learn all the words to “Benedy Glen” and make someone cry by singing it in pathetic tones
- Get a hug from a monkey
- Teach a parrot or other bird to say, “Miss Summerson is my Angel” and, “My name is Guppy”
- Whistle “Dixie” while in the presence of a Yankee
- Hum “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy” while in the presence of a Rebel
- Buy something expensive and then return it, just for the fun of it
- Make a mailbox that is an exact copy (in miniature) of our house
- Use the internet without saying the word “blast” or “stinkin’ thing” when it vexes me
- Design and sew a wedding dress
- Use an old “Mary Poppins” era telephone
- Walk into the Library of Congress and pretend I belong there
- Acquire a pair of cowgirl boots
- Use a Charles Dicken’s quote at an entirely random moment in a conversation
- Drive up to a drive-thru window wearing dark sunglasses and poke a cane out the window to “read” the menu, then ask for a different menu in Braille
- Catch and tame a cottontail rabbit
- Find a real patch of mayflowers
- Visit Boston again and eat some real clam chowder
- Go on a missions/visiting trip to Pastor John Zaharia’s church in Romania
- Visit Austria
- Visit Germany
- Get a French Manicure
- Have a red-haired daughter
- Write a book with a character named Catherine Durrant as the protagonist
- Have an old-fashioned picnic at a historical house
- Take a ten-mile walk on a brisk autumn day with a group of friends and sisters
- Get pleasantly scared so badly I scream like a girl (wait…I think that’s happened already)
- Plant a Queen Elizabeth Rosebush (two) and let it go crazy over an arbor
- Name every house I live in once I’m married
- Own a blue, black, and white parakeet and name him Admiral Boom
- Keep a jar of fireflies on my nightstand
- Raise a batch of tadpoles without letting them eat each other
- Learn to play the mountain dulcimer
- Have a cat that has a litter of kittens and name them all characters from books
- Host a literary ball
- Read all of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries
- Solve a mystery using Holmes-like deduction
- Eat an ethnic meal made by a person from that country
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