Goateo and Crueliet- an operatic farm-drama. :P

These are the Villains in this Drama:
Meet Daisy....

(Notice the dastardly-looking lack of ears? :P LaManchas are all so....sly looking as adults. :P

Next is Chocolate Chip (So glad we didn't name him Mr. Darcy- the vagabond!)

And the innocent [ ;) ] Miss Elizabeth Bennet (Lizzie)

It all began on a warm, beautiful, ideal early-May day in our corner of Virginia...

We spent the morning working in the garden planting more flowers for cutting. Then we got in the car, went to choir, and, in the odd hour between choir and Matthew's baseball game, we decided to go strawberry picking.

Buy two baskets, get the third free.
We finished picking 15 baskets in about 40 minutes. :)

Then off to the ball-game, and home to make dinner.

*Cue dramatic music*

♫"Woe are we- we gurgle our throats
Over our evil, dastardly goats...."♫

Um. Never mind the singing part. Skip ahead.

As we drove up the drive a astonishing and angering sight met our eyes. Every swinging one of those blasted goats were out and gallivanting around the garden. Ahem.

There was a chase through my newly planted flower bed as Leah rode Chip...

A dash through the peas after Daisy...(yes, I fit through the trellis without ruining any peas myself. :P)

And finally we caught them. Oh the fiendish animals!
♫"If I ate meat like a Blackamoor, We'd have a barbeque, But since I don't, I'll sigh some more Until those goats are through!"♫

Ahem. Proceed.

The worst of it was not over. Those measly, pitiful, awful animals chomped down on our baby blackberry bushes and nibbled our eight prized, adored baby blueberry bushes to nubbins. And they were even getting berries!

Oh the Horror! :[

Mama and I were quite put out, and the girls scurried to capture the goats, tie them up so they couldn't repeat the offense, and creep around till our wrathful state subsided a little. *Sigh*
So that's the little drama of the day. We are hoping that the blueberry bushes will miraculously grow back, and that we won't have to construct a veritable Guantanamo Bay to keep them inside and away from our garden. Because right now...it's pretty much Stalag 13 :P

But on the bright side...
*thinking hard*.....


Hold on a second.....


On the bright side, it gave me....something to blog about? :P -Rachel


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