Anti-Complacency- Living Life To the Hilt

"The complacency of fools destroys them." Prov. 1:32

A few weeks ago I was stuck a bit in a rut of complacency. I had stopped trying to grow in hard areas because I was "better than most". I had become comfortable in where I was, and complacent in the way I was living. I was doing fabulous things compared to the world's standards, but I knew it was not my personal best. Then I read Alex and Brett Harris' Do Hard Things and the Lord convicted me of my complacency. Actually, His hand was in it from the very beginning, because I won that book in a blog giveaway. Never believe "luck" has anything to do with anything. :) Here is a particular passage of the book that struck home hard:

"Complacency is a blight that saps energy, dulls attitudes, and causes a drain on the brain. The first symptom is satisfaction with things as they are. The second is rejection of things as they might be. "Good enough" becomes today's watchword and tomorrow's standard.
Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course--downhill. They draw false strength from looking back. "

I don't mind telling you that I was drawing false strength from looking back. And it *was* effecting my life. I found my attitude going on a downhill course when it was time to "do hard things". I stopped trying for my best, and fell into the next consequence of complacency: Self-pity.
I glued my eyes to the other side of the fence and feasted on the sight of the green grass over there, while neglecting to see all the blessings the Lord has given me.
Over these past few weeks the Lord has been helping me, guiding me, and giving me strength to keep my attitude in check, and do the hard things that need doing. This does include running Taste and See Family Farm--a daunting task at times.
It's amazing how the hard things become more attractive when we are no longer viewing them through complacency-fogged lenses.
Below is my newest "Anti-Complacency Manifesto", as I call it. :)

"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."
-Jim Eliot

It's not always easy going, but I am determined, with God's help, to live to the hilt every situation He puts in front of me. It's the only way to do it. :) And here comes the funny part of this rambling post....(yes, I have been keeping track of the polls and finding "humorous posts" has the lead ;)

Living life to the hilt is a picture of sword-fighting, is it not? I thought so.

And um....when you've stabbed something to the hilt of your sword, generally that means you have run it through, bled it's life's effect killed it....right?


I went out to the garden today in the most content frame of mind with that wonderful quote ringing through my thoughts like a beam of golden hope for my day. All the tilling I did on Friday in the garden had crusted over. It would have to be done again. A whole afternoon virtually wasted last week. But I had no such thoughts. I was determined that I would serve my family and my God by having a servant's heart and living this situation to the hilt.

I started the tiller. I tilled a looooonnnggg, wide row. And half of another.

I lived it to the hilt all right. Killed it dead. Ahem.

I guess I should 'fess up. Unbeknowst to me, the entire row had been planted Saturday while I was gone.

I sure did a thorough job of it. Ruined all that work, (which we have no seeds to replant) while trying to live life to the hilt. *sigh* Just as I thought I was learning something. ;)



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