I promised that I'd do a post about the launching of our new family business: Taste and See Family Farm. ( I drew the image for the logo, and Sarah did all the graphics designing :)
We are doing this business with the Walkers, (our cousins- think the "mysterious Matthew" :P ) as a way to use our land profitably. The vision is to grow produce and flowers to sell at farmers' markets, co-ops, and other venues like that. So we have set out to do just that. Dad hauled loads and loads and loads of cotton tailings from the cotton gin down the road to use as fertilizer in the garden. Then he tilled up around 2 acres of land. Now keep in mind that it is advisable that one adult keep up with 1/2 acre of land, full time. So we have a garden that would keep 4 adults occupied full time. Needless to say, that keeps us on our toes, seeing as we already have a landscape business, and a house to run! :P
The flowers for cutting and selling are down at the Walker's land, and the vegetables are up here with us. But before we could do any sort of "in the ground" planting, though, we had to start seeds inside.
So into channel trays and 512's (meaning a flat with 512 cells) we planted flower seeds, some herbs, and tomatoes and peppers. In our house alone, we had over 4,000 plants. Yes, 4,000.

Once the plants got their first set of true leaves, we had to transplant them into new flats- 72's. (72 cells per flat) So we'd go along the channel trays and 512's with little skewers and prick out the seedlings, transfer them to the 72's and so on.
Stay tuned for Part Two- We'll tell you about the growth and hardening off of all the plants....and how you direct seed flowers about the size of a grain of salt- by hand! :P
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