Sunrise, Sunset!

I read this beautiful verse of poetry this morning in my Bible:

"You make the outgoings of the morning and evening rejoice...." Psalm 65:8b

It may have another meaning, but I took this to be a beautiful description of the sunrises and sunsets. The morning and evening rejoicing. Isn't that a breathtaking picture? How blessed I am that we have "big sky" at our land and an uninhibited view of the sunset each day! :) Since Gracie was very little she and I have a tradition of stopping our work in the evening just long enough to go out on the porch and "Look at the sun-set God made". I am ever more and more astounded at the Master Artist's imagination. Here are some pictures of the beautiful skies we are treated to regularly:

A rather ominous, but beautiful sunset after a storm

This is one of my favorites :)

And another view of the same. Aren't the colors stunning?

This reminds me of some Serengeti Plains picture! ;) Or a pink-lemonade sky! :)

And I love this last picture. So regal and gold and blue! :)
Isn't God's handiwork amazing? ~Rachel


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