Introducing the Delving Into Dickens blog party! :

Charles Dickens has fast become one of my favorite authors. Before I began reading Dickens two or three years ago, my only experience had been his A Christmas Carol- well-written in its own way, but not one of my personal favorites. However, since I am prone to suscribe to all things old-fashioned, and since, no matter where I read in the 1800's his literature kept popping up, I thought I'd take a whack at it and read a
Dickens novel.I picked up a copy of The Pickwick Papers from the library and dove in. The March girls of Little Women had formed a whole society from the inspiration they received from this book. It was several inches thick. Formidable? Yes. Worth it? Incredibly so.Since that first encounter with Dickens' novels, my respect and admiration for his writing has grown with each book. I have set myself a goal to read all of Dickens' books someday, and so far I have read:
Great Expectations
Barnaby Rudge
Bleak House
The Cricket On The Hearth
The Chimes
A Christmas Carol
The Old Curiosity Shop
Nicholas Nickleby
Little Dorrit

And so I get to the real meat of this post: In honor of having just finished reading the amazing Little Dorrit, I am starting a Delving Into Dickens blog party! I hope all of you who have read (or even seen adaptations of) any Dickens novels will join! Please take the button and advertise this blog party on your own blogs! I would love to get lots of people to join! So here are the party details!

Here are just a few of the things you can do when you join the party!!! :) (And you by no means have to do them all!)

Take the Blog Party Button and post it wherever you post things like this! :D
(Hopefully this button will work! It's my first time! :) You can take it from the sidebar)
Watch an adaptation of a Dickens novel- BBC, as far as I have seen, does an amazing job of adapting Dickens' novels. Bleak House, Our Mutual Friend, (some friends have told me Little Dorrit also is a very faithful adaptation :) BBC generally make them as a TV mini-series and so have time to incorporate all the details that marks a plot as Dickens-esq! :)

Do a book review about your favorite Dickens novel (you may also do a review of a Dickens movie) Tell other reader what you thought about the book- what the best part was, your favorite quotes, scenes, characters, anything!

Throw a Dickens party within your own family: Dress up like characters from the books and serve a traditional English meal, or serve a High Tea. Think Plum puddings, cakes, tea, and things of that sort for a High Tea, and Beef Wellington, roast, puddings, and other sorts of hefty foods for a meal! :) Trust me- this could be hilarious! :D Especially if you stay in character!

Do a Character-Profile on your favorite Dickens character: whether it's your favorite heroine, the funniest character in the entire book, or even a look at the villain of the story have fun! :)
The possibilities for ideas are endless! :D This blog party will run from today, Thurs. March 3rd, 2011, until Thurs. March 31,2011
During this time I will be doing several Dickens-themed posts, so enjoy the ride! I'm super excited about this blog party! :) It's my first-ever, so tell me what you think! :)
Please enter this blog party! Tell all your Dickens-loving friends about it, and don't forget to enter your posts into the Linky below!! :) Have fun! Ready, Set, Go!!! ~Rachel


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